Tag Archives: conservative

HTM: Violence

In this episode of Hot Tub Monologues I discuss the modern conservative solution to most of society’s problems; violence. The call to violence against protesters, homeless people, drug addicts, and other people conservatives don’t like is all together too common. We see it on the news and in our social circles. People who suffer from conservative thinking are convinced that violence is a solution to many of society’s problems including how to care for their own children. As a progressive, I understand that the solution to our social problems is teamwork, compassion, nurturing, and cooperation. Violence should never be used to solve a problem, and society needs to progress past the need to use violence for any reason.

HTM: Inarticulate Ignoramus

Join me back in the hot tub as I ponder some of life’s most intriguing questions with an inarticulate ignoramus conservative thinker. There I describe how being ignorant and inarticulate goes hand in hand with conservatism and just how unfortunate it is that conservatives fail to take the next step in the learning process.

HTM: Ghosts

Join me for an account of an adorable couple I met in England. Whilst sitting in a pub enjoying a fine English ale, I met a couple who swore to me that they had seen a ghost while vacationing in an old house in Whales. Together we analyzed their account of what happened and through sound scientific reasoning determined that they probably did not actually see a ghost and instead simply had an experience that they were calling a ghost. In my analysis of this conversation I break down the progressive, scientific way to think about these types of occurrences and discuss how conservative thinking often leads to these false conclusions. Join me.

Hot Tub Monologues: Women

I’m back in the hot tub talking with conservatives. Today I discuss bodily autonomy rights and women with a young, well-to-do Catholic yuppy. He’s probably a closeted homosexual who doesn’t think that women should have any rights at all. He describes to me his brilliant solution to the abortion problem humanity faces and thus, I am once again shocked and appalled by just how inhumane humans can be. Join me, won’t you.

Hot Tub Monologues: Trans

Join me for another episode where I talk with Larry. The bigoted, trans-phobic asshole who likes to openly degrade and dehumanize people that he doesn’t understand. It’s highly likely that Larry is a trans or faggot, but refuses to accept his true nature due to religious and political beliefs. Sorry that I said faggot, but those are his words and I wanted to use them to be authentic.


Join us as we continue to explore the modern conservative mind. If you want to call it that.

Hot Tub Monologues: Poverty

Join me as I discuss poverty with a conservative. There we will dive into the modern conservative view of public welfare systems and just how contemptuous conservatives believe them to be. My conservative friend explains to me how he feels about those that are unemployed and how they need to be put to work as soon as possible. This is despite their personal woes and anything that might be troubling them. Join us to discover what a modern conservative thinks and feels about those that are suffering from poverty.

Hot Tub Monologues: Family

Join us in the hot tub as we talk with an elderly conservative. Larry loves his family and believes that the family unit is the most basic unit of civilization. So basic, in fact, that it should be responsible for curing all the ills that trouble modern day society. Are you homeless? Then it is up to your family to help you. Mentally ill? Your family should take care of you. Addicted to drugs? Live with your family, they have all the resources you could ever need. After speaking with Larry I break down how his conservative “solutions” fail and demonstrate that he really doesn’t give a shit. Please join us.

Hot Tub Monologues: Queers (Re-uploaded)

Join me for this episode of the Hot Tub Monologues where I explore the modern conservative views of people who are queer. I’m joined by a 17 year old Christian White Nationalist who describes his problems with people who are gender queer and his eventual solution. It’s sad to hear such a young person be so bigoted, but this is where most of these bad ideas begin: with the youth.