S4_E1: Hot Tub Monologues Mario

Join me for this episode of Ear Seduction where I launch a new series called The Hot Tub Monologues. This series is comprised from multiple conversations I’ve had with conservative men in my athletic club’s hot tub. In this episode I recreate a conversation I had with Mario, a center right 65 year old white male. After I recount the discussion that we had, I will provide analysis that shows how conservative thinking stifles progress, conversation, and resolution of modern problems.

S3_E19: Revelations: Bodily Autonomy

In this episode we are going to demonstrate that we have the right to bodily autonomy. Please join us. Thanks

S3_E18: Revelations: Human Data Sets

In this episode of Ear Seduction we cover the differences between the three types of Human Data Sets, how they are used and how they assist us in determining sound moral outcomes. Please join me.

S3_E17: Revelations: The Moral Continuum

In this episode of Ear Seduction we explore the intricacies of my evidence based moral system. Specifically, the Moral Continuum. There we find a definition for morality, how we know that our definition is correct, and much more. Please join us and thank you.

S3_E16: Revelations: The Schilling Standard

In this episode we introduce the final chapter of this series called Revelations. In it we are going to detail out the sound moral system so that you can incorporate it into your daily lives. In this particular episode we are going to get into the details of The Schilling Standard. Enjoy

S3_E15: The Fourth Gospel

In this episode we discuss the topics of intellectual honesty, intellectual integrity and intellectual maturity. All in an effort to become a better person and learn about who we are, what we believe and how we want to be in this world. Please join us.


Contact the show at earseductionpodcast@gmail.com


S3_E14: The 3rd Gospel Part 2

In this gospel we are going to discuss free will, determinism and the moral conclusions we can draw from having a firm understanding of both.

S3_E13: The Third Gospel Part 1

In this episode of Ear Seduction we lay to rest the problems of solipsism. A daunting task for sure but one that we are up for because we have objective evidence to support our conclusions. The propositions of solipsists are after all unfalsifiable and there for not worthy of our scientifically minded consideration. I hope you enjoy this episode and please contact me at earseductionpodcast@gmail.com




S3_E12: The Second Gospel

In this episode of Ear Seduction we tackle the notion that there is an objective moral arbiter who provides us with our moral conclusions. This version of objective morality is widespread and intoxicating to those that believe it, and false. Please tune in to hear how I take this ridiculous idea apart and expose it for the fodder that it is. Please join me.

S3_E11: The First Gospel Part 2

In this episode of Ear Seduction we look to finally answer the many questions that a subjective moral system forces us to ask. By the end, you’ll understand exactly why morality is both subjective and objective in nature and why we cannot have a sound moral system if we believe that morality is wholly subjective. Please Join us and remember to contact me at earseductionpodcast@gmail.com


Thank you

S3_E10: The First Gospel Part 1

In this episode of Ear Seduction we detail out the subjectivist position of morality, making sure to cover all the claims that they make. While we don’t push back with any rigor or provide any answers until Part 2 of this episode, rather we steel man the subjectivists position to ensure that we have all the facts in order and understand exactly where they are coming from. In Part 2 of this episode we will provide the answers to all the moral questions posed in this episode. We will further provide the correct moral framework from which to work to achieve sound moral answers.

S3_E9: The New Testament

In this episode of Ear Seduction we introduce Book 2 of the Bible 5.0. Entitled the New Testament, in it we explore the complexities of morality and explain in detail our evidence based moral system. Together we forge onward from moral obscurity into moral certainty and the future of morality. This episode is a high-level introduction to the topics that we will cover in The New Testament’s four Gospels and the Book of Revelations. Please join me…

S3_E8: Book 1 Conclusion

In this episode of Ear Seduction we conclude Book 1 of our series, The Bible 5.0. We will give some final thoughts to what we’ve covered so far and elaborate on the importance of accepting the information from the first 6 episodes. Furthermore, we will set the stage for Book 2: The New Testament where we will get into the details of our Theory of Morality.

S3_E7: Deuteronomy

In this episode of Ear Seduction we tackle Deuteronomy, our 6th chapter of this series called The Bible 5.0. In it we get to the most exciting of all the subjects that we’ve covered so far; morality. Together we will lay the foundation of a just and honest moral system, one based on evidence, and determine the mechanisms for moving towards flourishing and away from suffering. This episode provides you with the basics of a moral system, a methodology for making moral decisions and finally a foundation for establishing a Theory of Morality and a Theory of Human Rights. Both of these theories will be evidenced just like a scientific theory and both of them are scientific in nature.

S3_E6: Numbers

In this episode of Ear Seduction we dive further into our series the Bible 5.0. This time detailing the chapter Numbers. There we cover the importance of mathematical thinking and all the different ways in which we can utilize math in order to further hone our critical thinking. Including: probability, deep time, scale, orders of magnitude, logical reasoning, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and much more. Join us and reap the benefits of a fully formed scientific worldview.

S3_E5: Leviticus

In this episode of Ear Seduction we discuss our next chapter of The Bible 5.0, Leviticus. In it we detail out the best methodologies for how to think and how to engage with reality to experience the best life. This episode is a detailed explanation of the scientific method, Epistevism, skepticism, methodological naturalism, the null hypothesis, the burden of proof and more. This episode also details out the many benefits of thinking clearly including having engagement with hope, faith and a window into our future. Join us…

S3_E4: Exodus

In this episode of Ear Seduction we track our Exodus through time from our ancient and simple beginnings all the way to our modern form. By engaging with the fields of cladistics and genetics we can come to learn exactly what we are, who we are and exactly where we came from. The following is a list of every clade to which be belong:

Eukarya, Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilataria, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Vertebrata, Gnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Stegocephalia, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Synapsida, Schenacodontia, Therapsida, Theriodontia, Cynodonts, Eucynodontia, Probainognathans, Prozostrodontia, Mammaliformes, Mammalia, Theriiformes, Holotheria, Trechnotheria, Cladotheria, Zatheria, Tribosphenida, Theria, Eutheria, Placentalia, Boreoeutheria, Euarchontoglires, Euarchonta, Primata, Haplorhini, Simiiformes, Catarrhini, Hominoidea, Hominidae, Homininae, Hominini, Hominina, Homo and finally Sapiens.

Here is also a link to a series that will detail each and every clade for you:

Please engage with the list above by searching each clade on the internet and please review this YouTube series, along with his other series, so that you can get more comfortable with these clades, their meaning and finally so that you can come to know exactly what you are.


S3_E3: Genesis I and II

In this episode of Ear Seduction we tackle the first and second big questions, “How did it all begin?” and, “How did life begin?” If you haven’t noticed there are lots of completing schools of thought on these matters and all but one of them are incorrect. How could I know this you may ask? That is because only one of them has mountains of evidence to support it’s conclusions. The answers given in this episode reflect the true story behind how all things came to be and how all life on Earth began. They are THE answers, not just mine. And you may discover their complexities for yourself should you choose to look into the matter further. For now, rest assured that I am giving you all that you need to know and perhaps just a bit more. You’re welcome.

S3_E2: Introduction to The Bible 5.0

Hello and welcome to Ear Seduction. This episode introduces the first series I’m presenting in season 3. This series is called the Bible 5.0 and in it we will discuss our foundational facts and establish a benchmark from which to build upon in later series. Book 1, or the 1st part of this series has 6 chapters: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and a conclusion. In this introduction I’ll be touching on the basic concepts of the series and I go over all the questions that these first episodes will answer. This is the first series in multiple I have planned where I build for you, from the ground up, a working worldview and epistemology.

S3_E1: Introduction to Season 3

In this episode of Ear Seduction I’m going to introduce the new direction that I’ve taken the show. Season 3 will consist of a new format for the show along with deeper dives into the topics that I plan to cover. Each topic will have a dedicated series that I will publish a new episode for each week. The new first series is called The Bible 5.0 where I provide all the answers to the big questions. It will also include a moral framework, a comprehensive worldview, how to think about: free will, intellectual integrity and the importance of realizing adulthood. In the future I’ll also cover more ethical and moral topics in great detail along with other topics. Strap in and stand by as we enter a new era of Ear Seduction.

S2_E22: Moral Landscaping with Chris Shelton

In this episode I further explore my moral framework this time with Chris Shelton. Chris is a podcaster and YouTube personality. Together we explore the validity of my moral foundation and system. My goal is to set the foundations for a morality that can be utilized in every day life. A moral system that can be drawn upon to answer real world questions and to help the practitioner navigate the often troubled moral waters. Chris provides some interesting feedback and makes quite a few odd moral claims of his own. Please listen in.

S2_E13: A Christmas Letter to my Grandma

In this episode I attempt to inspire you with science and my scientific worldview. A few years back I wrote this letter to my Grandma to hopefully inspire her and now I’m reading it aloud to you. I hope that this letter and its message finds you in good health and raises your spirits.

S2_E7: Flat Earth Presenter Interview Matthew

In this episode I interview Matthew; a flat earth proponent and presenter at the conference. In it he discusses the foundations of flat earth in the Judeo-Christian bible and the flat earth worldview. Matthew attempts to answer our questions and “educate” us on flat earth theology and perspective.

S2_E6: Flat Earth Interviews Day 2

In this episode I interview more flat earth believers, this time after they’ve had a full day of lectures and presentations. There are about 6 of them hanging out and discussing what they’ve learned and how they think about flat earth. Its a long form interview with lots of energy and fun banter. The fellas discuss what they believe about flat earth, the religious foundations of flat earth, their denial of science and much more.

S2_E5: Flat Earth Interviews Day 1

In this episode I attend the flat earth convention and interview some of the attendees. They discuss what it is like to be a flat earth believer and how it has effected their family lives. They also discuss the future of flat earth belief, it’s current focus and the future of flat earth in the American culture. As it turns out there are many outstanding questions left unanswered in the flat earth community. Briefly we learn where flat earth belief comes from and how it effects the mind. No surprise here that it stems from Christianity and the Bible.

S2_E4: Conversations with a Fundamentalist Christian Summary

In this episode I summarize the first three episodes of season 2: Conversation with a fundamentalist Christian Nathan Spears 1, 2, and 3. First I steel man Nathans position and try to decode his points as clearly as possible so that you, the listener, can understand what he is saying. Then I discuss the faults in his argument and demonstrate how he is wrong. Listen in and enjoy!

S2_E3: Conversations with a Fundamentalist Christian Nathan Spears 3

In this episode Nathan and I try to wrap up our discussion and things get a little weird. For two episodes now Nathan has been denying my worldview and questioning the validity of science and the scientific method. So far my worldview and science has held up nicely. But what happens when I turn the tables and start asking him about his worldview? Listen in to find out.

S2_E1: Conversations with a Fundamentalist Christian Nathan Spears 1

Hello and welcome to season 2 of Ear Seduction. This episode is the 1st in a 4 part series where I interview a fundamentalist Christian named Nathan Spears. We discuss a multitude of topics including evidence, methodological naturalism, epistemology, Christianity, Jesus, god, science, free will, consciousness and much more. Nathan attempts to discredit science, the scientific method and reality as we know it. Of course he doesn’t get too far before I start to assert myself and question his conclusion, methods and research. Please join us for this thrilling and engaging discussion.

S1_E5: Bible Review

In this episode of Ear Seduction I bring on an extra special guest; my mother. We discuss the first 5 books of the Hebrew bible. Our conversation covers my indoctrination as a child, our interpretation of the first five books, some commentary on my mother’s deconversion and more. By the end of the episode perhaps you will have something to say about your experience with religion. Thanks.

S1_E4: Grand Tetons Trip

In this episode of Ear Seduction I recount my trip to view the solar eclipse at Grand Tetons Wyoming. The story tells like one long joke and hopefully you find yourself laughing uncontrollably. As a writer and a media producer one of my goals is to write and produce material that will make you laugh. This is my first attempt on the show to do so and I hope it works. Here’s to you.

S1_E2: Arm Chair Capitalists

In this episode of Ear Seduction we discuss capitalism in all of its glory. I make it a point to differentiate myself from those that I call ‘arm chair capitalists’.  Meaning those that would like to espouse the benefits of free markets and privatization and the ‘invisible hand’, as Adam Smith postulated, but without educating themselves on any of the information we’ve collected regarding the economy since the publishing of Wealth of Nations in 1776. Of which there are many. I touch on the last episode S1_E1: Gay Rights and how my guest from that discussion also has failed to update his education. Mostly, I explain the difference between being a capitalist and being heartless.

S1_E1: Gay Rights

In this episode I engage in a long form discussion with a right-wing nut. Steeped in Ayn Randian ethics, the illusion of free will and free market delirium, my guest crashes and burns in his attempt to make sense of an Oregonian baker’s choice to discriminate against a gay couple. His conclusions are truly astonishing and frightening and speak volumes for a logical truth I’ve always been a proponent of; you never know how wrong you can be when you start with false premises. My guest demonstrates just how poorly one can think when they really put their mind to it. The good news is that it sparked something within me; a fire that still burns today. Please pour yourself a drink, follow along and try not to scream at the Bluetooth speaker as my guest gets everything dead wrong.

My guest represents a fairly common American demographic. One that has abandoned god and forgot to learn how to think. Instead he puts his faith in the Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’. Without being an outright racist he manages to prop up the views white supremacists, neo Nazis, the El Paso shooter and other right wing undesirables all while believing that his ‘solutions’ are best for everyone. His logical and ethical depravity knows no bounds as he sells off his humanity in the name of fighting slavery. In his case the slavery of his mind to Laissez Faire economics, Objectivist ethics and the gross miscalculation that homo sapiens are rational animals.

As a capitalist I can see the errors he is making and do my best to course correct but in the end my guest just digs in further and further into what inevitably becomes a dystopian nightmare. Join us won’t you?