Ear Seduction Productions is the brain child of Paul Schilling. Ear Seduction produces the following content: Ear Seduction, The Bronson Rashad Show and Lizard Vision. Ear Seduction is a podcast that started out as recorded phone conversations with Paul’s oldest friend the Minnesota Misanthrope and covered a wide array of topics. Seasons 1 and 2 are Paul and Minnesota’s attempt to explore the podcasting medium and test out their fledgling skills and abilities as content producers. Starting is season 3 Ear Seduction takes on a more focused structure and looks to challenge the listener by exploring a few main topics in depth. Seasons 1 and 2 are great for anyone that wants to hear first hand what it is like to launch a podcast without having any specific path or direction in mind. Ear Seduction tackles serious topics with a few goals in mind: intellectual integrity, honesty and enlightenment. Paul Schilling attempts to improve his understanding of topics like gay rights, free will and human rights while changing his mind in real time when he is shown to be incorrect or is presented with a more sound an reasonable position. Ear Seduction records Paul’s conversations with his guests and cohost so that the listener can hear him improving his understanding and taking on the superior positions presented to him. Thus, Ear Seduction is a podcast about personal growth and improvement.
The Bronson Rashad Show is about Paul’s dog Bronson Rashad and all his adventures. It shows Bronson’s development from a rescue dog through his rehabilitation and finally his adoption by Paul. The show also follows the lives of Mugsy Canhoun, Bronson’s best friend, and other dogs that find themselves in Paul’s foster system. The Bronson Rashad Show is a YouTube channel that releases full length episodes and shorts (clips) so that the viewer can get to know the dogs, their individual personalities and their eventual adoption into a forever home. The Bronson Rashad Show is currently in production, as of 2/9/2021, and scheduled to be launched in Summer of 2021. Please listen to Ear Seduction for further details.
Finally, Lizard Vision is a news and sketch comedy show set in another dimension on Planet X. Planet X is populated with humanoid lizards that have been monitoring Earth’s development for many thousands of years. The lizard people that live on Planet X watch a news broadcast keeping them up-to-date on planet Earth’s happenings. The people of Planet X have installed a surveillance base on Earth’s moon and two lizard people live and work there. From the lizard base on the moon the two lizards watch our every move and transmit information to Planet X for each weeks news broadcast. They also watch TV broadcasted to them from Planet X. Its these shows transmitted from Planet X to the two lizard guys in the moon that make up the sketches and comedy skits showcased on Lizard Vision. Lastly, Lizard Vision looks to exploit and satirize all the odd conspiracy theories that we believe here on Earth. Its these odd beliefs that Paul has built the premise of the show on and it will be these odd beliefs that Lizard Vision will highlight in both the news and comedy sketches. Lizard Vision is in pre-production and does not currently have a scheduled release. Please stay tuned to Ear Seduction for more information.
On a final note, I hope you enjoy this content. It is my goal to make you laugh and smile as much as possible through my content. Thank you for stopping by this website and please contact me with any questions or if you’d like to collaborate.