Monthly Archives: April 2023

S3_E8: Book 1 Conclusion

In this episode of Ear Seduction we conclude Book 1 of our series, The Bible 5.0. We will give some final thoughts to what we’ve covered so far and elaborate on the importance of accepting the information from the first 6 episodes. Furthermore, we will set the stage for Book 2: The New Testament where we will get into the details of our Theory of Morality.

S3_E7: Deuteronomy

In this episode of Ear Seduction we tackle Deuteronomy, our 6th chapter of this series called The Bible 5.0. In it we get to the most exciting of all the subjects that we’ve covered so far; morality. Together we will lay the foundation of a just and honest moral system, one based on evidence, and determine the mechanisms for moving towards flourishing and away from suffering. This episode provides you with the basics of a moral system, a methodology for making moral decisions and finally a foundation for establishing a Theory of Morality and a Theory of Human Rights. Both of these theories will be evidenced just like a scientific theory and both of them are scientific in nature.

S3_E6: Numbers

In this episode of Ear Seduction we dive further into our series the Bible 5.0. This time detailing the chapter Numbers. There we cover the importance of mathematical thinking and all the different ways in which we can utilize math in order to further hone our critical thinking. Including: probability, deep time, scale, orders of magnitude, logical reasoning, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and much more. Join us and reap the benefits of a fully formed scientific worldview.

S3_E5: Leviticus

In this episode of Ear Seduction we discuss our next chapter of The Bible 5.0, Leviticus. In it we detail out the best methodologies for how to think and how to engage with reality to experience the best life. This episode is a detailed explanation of the scientific method, Epistevism, skepticism, methodological naturalism, the null hypothesis, the burden of proof and more. This episode also details out the many benefits of thinking clearly including having engagement with hope, faith and a window into our future. Join us…