Monthly Archives: March 2023

S3_E4: Exodus

In this episode of Ear Seduction we track our Exodus through time from our ancient and simple beginnings all the way to our modern form. By engaging with the fields of cladistics and genetics we can come to learn exactly what we are, who we are and exactly where we came from. The following is a list of every clade to which be belong:

Eukarya, Metazoa, Eumetazoa, Bilataria, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Vertebrata, Gnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Stegocephalia, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Synapsida, Schenacodontia, Therapsida, Theriodontia, Cynodonts, Eucynodontia, Probainognathans, Prozostrodontia, Mammaliformes, Mammalia, Theriiformes, Holotheria, Trechnotheria, Cladotheria, Zatheria, Tribosphenida, Theria, Eutheria, Placentalia, Boreoeutheria, Euarchontoglires, Euarchonta, Primata, Haplorhini, Simiiformes, Catarrhini, Hominoidea, Hominidae, Homininae, Hominini, Hominina, Homo and finally Sapiens.

Here is also a link to a series that will detail each and every clade for you:

Please engage with the list above by searching each clade on the internet and please review this YouTube series, along with his other series, so that you can get more comfortable with these clades, their meaning and finally so that you can come to know exactly what you are.


S3_E3: Genesis I and II

In this episode of Ear Seduction we tackle the first and second big questions, “How did it all begin?” and, “How did life begin?” If you haven’t noticed there are lots of completing schools of thought on these matters and all but one of them are incorrect. How could I know this you may ask? That is because only one of them has mountains of evidence to support it’s conclusions. The answers given in this episode reflect the true story behind how all things came to be and how all life on Earth began. They are THE answers, not just mine. And you may discover their complexities for yourself should you choose to look into the matter further. For now, rest assured that I am giving you all that you need to know and perhaps just a bit more. You’re welcome.

S3_E2: Introduction to The Bible 5.0

Hello and welcome to Ear Seduction. This episode introduces the first series I’m presenting in season 3. This series is called the Bible 5.0 and in it we will discuss our foundational facts and establish a benchmark from which to build upon in later series. Book 1, or the 1st part of this series has 6 chapters: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and a conclusion. In this introduction I’ll be touching on the basic concepts of the series and I go over all the questions that these first episodes will answer. This is the first series in multiple I have planned where I build for you, from the ground up, a working worldview and epistemology.

S3_E1: Introduction to Season 3

In this episode of Ear Seduction I’m going to introduce the new direction that I’ve taken the show. Season 3 will consist of a new format for the show along with deeper dives into the topics that I plan to cover. Each topic will have a dedicated series that I will publish a new episode for each week. The new first series is called The Bible 5.0 where I provide all the answers to the big questions. It will also include a moral framework, a comprehensive worldview, how to think about: free will, intellectual integrity and the importance of realizing adulthood. In the future I’ll also cover more ethical and moral topics in great detail along with other topics. Strap in and stand by as we enter a new era of Ear Seduction.